The calendar below shows upcoming TCOM trainings for Alameda providers.
Click on each event to view details and the link to register. Unless otherwise specified, live Alameda County CANS Certification Overview Trainings take place on Zoom.
NOTE: TCOM principles can be applied across the tools. If you certify in the CANS (ages 0-24), you will also be certified to use the ANSA (age 25+). Although Alameda County no longer administers the ANSA, you may work in another county that does.
5 Reasons to Take the Live Alameda County CANS Certification Overview Training
Question: What are the pros and cons of taking the Live Certification course versus taking the online Alameda 0-24 course?
Answer: There are some perks to taking an online-only certification course, such as being able to self-pace or customizing the focus areas for your learning needs. But before you jump into those 67 steps, here are 5 reasons we think a Live Certification course is superior:
Community - Live Certification trainings give you access to meet other providers in Alameda County who also use this tool. It's possible you may one day get to collaborate with a fellow classmate through your work. In the meantime, you get to learn about how providers in other agencies operate and understand more about their services and expand your connection within this complex behavioral health system.
Getting to ask questions while you're learning - This may not seem like a necessary element until you are learning the TCOM tools and realizing you have encountered common sticking points such as strengths, timely ratings within a 30-day window, or scoring tricky vignettes that will make you wish there was a seasoned instructor who could answer your question live.
Skip to the test - You can bypass the online course (66 steps) and go directly into test-taking after the lecture portion of the live course.
Supported testing - There is coaching available during your certification exam. While the exam is always open-note and open-book, having access to the trainers and other participants during the testing portion means being able to receive support and guidance during the test while simultaneously practicing one of the valued TCOM tenets--collaboration.
Tech support & troubleshooting - Having trouble creating an account, accessing the course, or navigating the site? Our trainers are skilled at troubleshooting most access issues that trouble new users in Alameda County. If you are having any difficulty accessing or navigating the website, join the next live training or an Office Hours session for some live technical assistance.
New users who have not yet completed certification through the Praed Foundation Collaborative Training Website must view all of the training content (or complete a live certification training) before accessing the certification exam. This can be accomplished by clicking the "Next" and "Previous" buttons in the top right corner of each concept. Once new users have viewed all of the training content, they will be able to complete their certification.
Existing users returning to the site to complete their recertification will not be required to view all of the training content again. When they return to the course, they can automatically navigate to the Final Exam area where they can quickly recertify.